Welcome to our Wyoming blog. On this blog I have been sharing how we came to move here and the 'adventure' we have been on every since. We started with a hillside, and today (6 years later) are finally putting in some landscaping. We are by no means done. I hope you will come along on our adventure.

I also have 2 other blogs. Big Horn Mountain Creations show cases my quilting and other artistic adventures. Decorating my Tin Shack, is about creating a home thru decorating. Both are on the side bar, I hope you will stop by.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Summer & Winter

Look at these beautiful tomatoes that were harvested from our plants last week as we approached our first deep freeze. I thought it ironic as I sliced these pretty slices for our
sandwiches, that outside it was snowing, snowed all day.

Here you see summers fruits above and below winters fruits, snow. We are about a month and a half early this year with the snow fall. This should be interesting to see what kind of winter we have, this morning temps 17 degrees.

Taken from the dining room window.

Looking out the studio window (below).

1 comment:

Ms. Fiddlesticks said...

You really have to prepare for winter. It comes soon. The difference in our states is amazing. Cooler this morning but still warm. Glad you could have a taste of the summer garden with the tomatoes.