Welcome to our Wyoming blog. On this blog I have been sharing how we came to move here and the 'adventure' we have been on every since. We started with a hillside, and today (6 years later) are finally putting in some landscaping. We are by no means done. I hope you will come along on our adventure.

I also have 2 other blogs. Big Horn Mountain Creations show cases my quilting and other artistic adventures. Decorating my Tin Shack, is about creating a home thru decorating. Both are on the side bar, I hope you will stop by.

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Good Grief

Good Grief

I can not believe how lax I have been this year.
It has been a busy year and my lack of posts here
sadly proves it.
We have made many trips to California
I have made 6 quilts and
learned to be friends with my embroidery machine.
Cut more weeds then I ever want to see again.
And I have neglected this blog and

To over whelmed, I guess
my gardens suffered, too.

We have had a lot of changes.
We no longer have the cows
  Our little herd grew with 6 calves, but with our traveling
it became painfully clear we can not do both, so
they went to new homes.

I have been honored to create several quilts this year.

We still have our chickens
I hope this next year I will be more 
accustom to the busy schedule 
and better able to keep up.

We have already begun the winter months,
so with the quilts completed and
work on Christmas gifts underway, 
I am hoping to calm down.

Our second snow, 18 inches for Thanksgiving.

May the Holidays of 2014 be a blessing.

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