Welcome to our Wyoming blog. On this blog I have been sharing how we came to move here and the 'adventure' we have been on every since. We started with a hillside, and today (6 years later) are finally putting in some landscaping. We are by no means done. I hope you will come along on our adventure.

I also have 2 other blogs. Big Horn Mountain Creations show cases my quilting and other artistic adventures. Decorating my Tin Shack, is about creating a home thru decorating. Both are on the side bar, I hope you will stop by.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Raw Milk

Several have asked where they can get raw milk. Here is a link for the Weston Price Foundations page on some raw milk producers. This list is no a complete list because as they say, some producers did not want to be listed for fear........well you can read it for yourself.


I hope you find some wholesome raw milk near you.

1 comment:

Candi said...

congratus on the butter making:) Boy you've got ten times the ambition I do! lol