Welcome to our Wyoming blog. On this blog I have been sharing how we came to move here and the 'adventure' we have been on every since. We started with a hillside, and today (6 years later) are finally putting in some landscaping. We are by no means done. I hope you will come along on our adventure.

I also have 2 other blogs. Big Horn Mountain Creations show cases my quilting and other artistic adventures. Decorating my Tin Shack, is about creating a home thru decorating. Both are on the side bar, I hope you will stop by.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It Has Begun

Construction has begun! We will be adding on to our little 800 sq foot Tin Shack, this summer.

Here is a picture of the site last year, with my rock and wine barrel garden and the 5th wheel guest room. We have cut the "lem" loose, cleared away the rocks, wine barrels and stairs.

In its place will be a new master bedroom, studio, guest room, bathroom, plus an addition to Kirk's shop, we will later rearrange the living room, dining room and add a little to the kitchen. I will update you as we move along. The goal is to have it livable for Christmas, to house all our kids and grandkids. WaHOOOO!!

Kirk started moving dirt and like a kid in a candy store could not stop, LOL. Good thing the skid steer has head lights.

This is the same area after 1 1/2 days of moving dirt. Construction is exciting, and we are ready. We got our first delivery of building supplies today.

To the right you can see the existing house, the addition will go right next to it and between the hill there, then up to a 2nd story.

Stay tuned for the saga as it unfolds.


Rachel said...

wow how exciting! :) Can't wait to see it done.


what a flood of memories this brings! we built our home three years ago--I remember when we got our first shipment of building stuff---I am looking forward to lots of pictures! have fun! *~*CAROLE*~*