I have had to create cages for all of my barrels (current planting beds). These are not to keep the deer out but to keep Rocky out. Now mind you Rocky is only 5 months old, shouldn't he be bouncing off the walls? He doesn't learn real fast either, unlike Lady who gets it first time out.
He will be really good with the grandkids, there is not a mean bone in his little/big body. He is a lover though, and I think he thinks I am his mom, LOL. He hates to let me out of his sight.

I thought this was and interesting thing. These are plants that survived the winter and are going wild now that it is warming up. Now mind you it got to -25 and I did nothing to protect these guys, onion and spinach. I will make sure there are new ones planted in the fall for next spring. Grin.

An update on the building project. The forms are in place for the first part of the pour, Kirk is getting it all leveled out. We have to get the insulation down and the pipes for the in-floor heat, hoping to pour this coming Monday and if the weather does as predicted it will be a perfect time to get concrete. I did the drawings for the addition, looks like the windows may break the bank, but we will have an awesome view.

I thought I would share the next to pictures, this is of course the present fire wood location, it's future use will be my flower garden.

Here you can get a better idea of it's placement in respect to the house. I am looking forward to having a pretty garden.......at least I hope it will be pretty..................

See that wood pile down
there? Ya, down there,
that is where all the
flowers, herbs and
a tree or two will be
(this picture was taken
last year). The trailer
(on the left)
has been moved
and the new
construction is
in that space.
The planter in the forground is on the upper pad of our place and will hold veggies shortly.
Happy spring.
Amazing how heary things are compared to what they say they are. Well, it seems to me the only gardening problem you're facing this year is the new - and very sweet - pup! :)
- k
Wow you've been so busy between gardening and the new construction. Love following the progress you've made and I'm envious of anyone who has gardening skills!
Grove City OH
Your puppy is too cute. Looks like you are making great progress!
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