This is what it looks like from the front door.

From inside the room. We have talked about knocking the hill down some more so we will have a better view, especially from upstairs.
The board you see here is a BCI beam and is what we used for the floor rafters and what we put up on Sat. I did not help today, there really was not anything for me to do, so I worked on Bryce's camping quilt. I am glad, too, I am pretty tired.....not accustom to all that physical work and it really was not that hard, Kirk did all the lifting all I had to do was lift my end of the BCI into place an put 3 screws in it. Climbing up and down from the scaffolding and the heat I think is what got me.

Here you can see how it fits, where the floor is going to be for upstairs. We will have a great view on all sides except to the North, that area will get a garden and lawn eventually.

There will be a 4 x 6 window in the very front,
but for now Kirk is leaving it open so we have a way to go in and out, small detail. LOL.
oh wow I bet the view will be stunning when knock down the hill there you all get done and the garden is in.
I agree! That will be one gorgeous view. It already is... I love that wide open spaces look. It is so peaceful.
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