Welcome to our Wyoming blog. On this blog I have been sharing how we came to move here and the 'adventure' we have been on every since. We started with a hillside, and today (6 years later) are finally putting in some landscaping. We are by no means done. I hope you will come along on our adventure.

I also have 2 other blogs. Big Horn Mountain Creations show cases my quilting and other artistic adventures. Decorating my Tin Shack, is about creating a home thru decorating. Both are on the side bar, I hope you will stop by.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Our first EGG!

Our First EGG

I knew the time was getting near.

This is the scene when I come up to feed and put the girls to bed each night.
They all gather in the corner and get very excited.
I call to them....chicky, chicky girls.

I get to the gate and they are right there, so excited.
It is hard to even get in the gate, as they rush it.
One of their favorite things is to gather at AND on my feet
and to untie my shoe laces.   I do not dare wear shorts or 
sandles this summer, they love to peck at my pant legs and
jacket, yesterday one of the girls got my leg through my jeans.  Ouch!

 Hard to believe just 20 weeks ago they looked like this
 They are beautiful birds and friendly, they love attention.

We thought we had all girls but as time has gone by
we realize that our Winnie is a boy (below), he is beautiful and starting 
to be all rooster, so far he is gentle and stays away from me,
which is fine, as long as he behaves we will be fine together.
No crow yet, but I am sure that is just a matter of time.

Today I found our first egg, so exciting!  
Now Kirk has to get nests built.
 Here is a store bought large egg on the left and our first egg on the right.

 I have been looking for the last several weeks for eggs, but by gosh
at exactly 20 weeks one of these little girls started laying.
I wonder if she is the one Winnie was "playing" with yesterday......hummmmmm
It will be interesting to see how soon the others start laying, 
I better be on my toes.

We have one little red hen that has figured out how to fly the coop.
I put her in 3 times today.
She comes running when I come out and the dogs don't bother her
she is learning to head right for the gate so I can open it.
She is one of the littlest so of course she is able to fly higher.
If it were not for her I wouldn't have found that egg for about 
another hour, it probably would have been frozen by then.  
All things work for the good....right?

Ok, that is it for today.  I had better go for now.
Thanks for visiting.
God bless!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh, Gail, how great that you put in the story about finding the egg because your little girl flew the coop! I loved your application of the Bible verse. =) Let me know when you get a dozen eggs. Now, does the cost of the chicks and the feed, etc., equal cheaper eggs, or is it the quality you wanted in eggs that made you do this? Will they be fryers later? (I know, how could I think such a thing!)