Welcome to our Wyoming blog. On this blog I have been sharing how we came to move here and the 'adventure' we have been on every since. We started with a hillside, and today (6 years later) are finally putting in some landscaping. We are by no means done. I hope you will come along on our adventure.

I also have 2 other blogs. Big Horn Mountain Creations show cases my quilting and other artistic adventures. Decorating my Tin Shack, is about creating a home thru decorating. Both are on the side bar, I hope you will stop by.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Rusty...Aug 1, 2006 - Aug 30, 2007

We lost our little buddy, Rusty last night, a great hole has been created. I wanted to pay tribute
to him with a few picture of our little friend.

Rusty was part Jack Russel and Red Healer. Full of antics, full of love, he was always into whatever we were doing. Unfortunately he also like to chase cars, try as we may we could not get him to stop (he is a cattle dog), and he chased one to many.

I am not sure what Lady thinks, they were always together, she raised him.

His first day with us,

Rusty we love you and miss you so much. Thank you for the love you gave to us.


Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your little dog. He looks like such a sweetie. Hope you are holding up okay. - k

Susan said...

It seems like only yesterday that you got him, and were so excited about him. It will take a while to get over the hole he's left, I'm sure.

Rebekah said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. I know that hurts a lot, and feels so empty.

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Hi, Gail! We miss you! Fill us in on what's happening in WY. :) Hope all is well...